Bug Diaries

Below are boards for episodes of Bug Diaries which are currently airing. More boards will be added upon the release of their respective episodes. All work is owned by Lighthouse Studios, Amazon Studios.

These boards were created in the spring of 2018.


Bug Diaries Ep 113 Ending Sequence

For Episode 113, I was handed the challenge of boarding the last two pages of the episode’s script, assisting the lead storyboard artist. I worked closely with my director to bring her creative vision to life, choosing acting and camera shots that would suit best.

I really enjoyed working on this board in early 2018, and it was a great deal of fun to flex my design muscles when composing the shots.

Bug Diaries - Opening Titles

I was given the task of heavily revising the Opening Titles for Bug Diaries. This involved creating all new scenes, actions and transitions, as well as piecing together different elements my fellow boarders had created.

Fun note: I also designed the credits font, which can be seen on the Title splash screen below the Big Diaries title!

Bug Diaries Ep111 Sc103 - 116

This sequence was boarded and revised solely by myself, under the direction of my Supervisor and Director. This is a chase sequence which occurs in the middle of the episode “Canine Cruise”.

My favourite part is when Fly gets smacked in the face with yogurt and powers through it! It was a fun sequence to board in early 2018.

Bug Diaries Ep105 Sc 211 - 216

This sequence was boarded and revised solely by myself, under the direction of my Supervisor and Director. This is part of the ending of the episode “House Spider”, as Spider decorates his new winter home with the help of his friends.

The challenge in this sequence was to make the decorating fun, looking for fun angles and action.

Bug Diaries Ep 112 - Sc 093- 096

This is a heavily revised sequence, with all new action and poses added as well new shots composed solely by me. My work is the extreme up-shot as the paper clip goes up, and the reaction shot of nervous Fly.

Bug Diaries Ep111 - Sc032 - 035

This is a heavily revised sequence, with the majority of the drawings cleaned and replaced, and the poses and acting vastly expanded upon.

All work is owned by Lighthouse Studios, Amazon Studios.